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4 Misc

Once you get to know build, you'll discover you can use it for more purposes than just this. See it as an intelligent script tool.

If you want to find out the details of what build can do, read the documentation of some unix-make, as build should be somewhat compatible with this. What it doesn't do for now, is:

When EBuild discovers a cyclic dependancy it just aborts, i.e. this won't be executed:

bla:	defs.m blurp.m bla 
	ec $(target).e 

since the target bla.e has the dependancy bla.e. EBuild used to crash with an infinite loop on this one. However, it is still very easy to make an infinite loop:

bla:	defs.m blurp.m bla 
	ec $(target).e 

defs.m: bla
        ec defs.e

`bla' depends on `defs.m' which depends on `bla' which depends on `defs.m' which depends on `bla' which depends on `defs.m' which depends on `bla' which depends on `defs.m' ...

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